A Dress For My Birthday
For the last couple of years I’ve made myself a new dress to wear on my Birthday. This past year, I decided to combine some of my favorite things— red, rick-rack, and bows— into one dress!
I used Butterick B6413 without the sleeves and with a strap instead, as well as the Charm Patterns Dorothy bolero, and a self-drafted tiered skirt.
The tiered skirt with all of that rick-rack was the most time-consuming part of this dress, but even so, it came together smoothly.
I had a lot of fun wearing it on my birthday, despite confusing a couple of little girls who didn’t understand why I was so red and why I was so fancy.
Of course, since red is my favorite color, I had a lot of fun accessories to choose from when putting this look together! I am especially enamored with the little sailor brooch from Erstwilder.